Event Guidelines – Pop Up Shoppes

Event Guidelines – Pop Up Shoppes – Lt. Colonel Clifton Centre

  • These guidelines are for selected applicants for Tradeshow Sister events: Pop Up Shoppes (at the Lt. Colonel Clifton Centre, Swift Current, SK).
  • Failure to follow these guidelines may result in not being selected for future shows or removal from the current show with no refund.
  • All tradeshow communications will be sent via email to the email address you provided on your application form. Please add TradeshowSisters@gmail.com to your contact list.
  • Be sure to follow @tradeshowsisters on Facebook and Instagram for easy to share content.
  • The Tradeshow is open to public from 11am-4pm. Admission is $3.
  • The facility (front doors) will be open from 9:30am to 10:30am for exhibitors to set up. All doors will be locked from 10:30-11:00am. The door will be propped open when you can come in. Do not try to enter before 9:30 am, do NOT try to open the front door.
  • The doors will be locked at 10:30 am, the show starts at 11:00 am. If you are leaving to grab coffee, have a smoke, move your vehicle etc, you must be back in the building by 10:30am.
  • Check in at the main entrance with one of the Tradeshow Coordinators (Jenn or Kirby) or staff upon arrival by no later than 10:15am, you must be checked in by 10:15 even if it only takes you a few minutes to set up. A map will be at the main entrance to guide you to your booth.
  • Do not park blocking the entrance or driving lanes, you can park in the upper level parking spots to unload. Once unloaded, and before setting up your table, move your vehicle out of the upper parking lot and down to the lower parking lot by the library. Pack your vehicle strategically to be able to move in quickly. 
  • Vendors must be set up by 10:45am and remain set up until 4:00pm.
  • Each space (8 feet long, 6 feet deep) will come one standard table (8 feet long by 2 ½ feet deep) and chair. The tables are set up in rows at the front of each vendors space (there is not “booths” at this tradeshow).
  • The tables do not have table coverings, please provide your own tablecloths.
  • One chair will be available with your table.
  • Display structures must fit on your table and not obstruct other exhibitors. Your space is 8 feet long, there is not room beside your table for extra displays or product. If you have a rack or shelving unit that you want to use for display that does not fit on the table, it must be approved in advance. If you bring additional display structures the day of the show that were not approved, you may be asked to remove them. You can purchase an additional space without a table to put extra display structures or items.
  • Your display (tables/chairs/displays/merchandise/yourself) cannot extend out/past your 8 foot table length. There is approx 3.5 feet behind your table for you to stand/sit and keep your extra stock.
  • Vendors are only allowed to sell the items that were indicated on their application form and as approved by Tradeshow Sisters. Branded direct selling companies can only sell products that are registered under that business name.
  • Be sure to keep all of your items inside your provided booth space and keep your space tidy throughout the day. Remove all recycling and garbage from your booth at the end of the day.
  • Vendors must stay set up until 4:00pm. You may leave your table space, but do not pack up, take down or remove anything out of your space until after 4:00pm. This is a required courtesy to not be disruptive to our shoppers and other vendors. If you have sold out, sit back and smile :).
  • Vendors may start to take down after 4:00pm and must be out of the building by 4:45pm. If you require more time to be completely out of the building please contact Tradeshow Sisters beforehand to discuss the additional fees associated with being in the building after 5:00pm.
  • Your receipt will be on your table the day of the tradeshow.
  • WIFI is available but its reliability cannot be guaranteed (so keep this in mind if you plan on using it for debit/credit machines). WiFi password will be on your receipt that day.
  • Power is only available to those who purchased a wall space. If you purchased a wall space and require power, please bring extension cords.
  • There is no lunch/food vendor on site. Please plan accordingly
  • Helium balloons are not allowed in your display unless approved by the tradeshow coordinators ahead of time.
  • Tape is not allowed on the floors.
  • Please provide business name signage at your booth.
  • You may do a free prize, draw or giveaway at your booth. You may not do a raffle or sell tickets at your booth unless you have the proper license from SLGA and you have prior approval from Tradeshow Sisters.
  • Soliciting/advertising of non Tradeshow Sister events at the tradeshow is not allowed.
  • You must only sell your products and services within your purchased booth space, you may not walk around in the isles and sell your products and services.
  • FOOD VENDORS – Vendors who are directly handling potentially hazardous food or processing food products at their booths (cutting or slicing product, cooking, etc.) will need to fill out the Temporary Food Event Vendor Application form and have it on hand at the tradeshow. It also contains some additional information on requirements for booths offering food products and performing processing.
  • If for any reason you are unable to attend, you may find someone to work your booth (the business that was selected based on information on your application form) on your behalf or cancel with no refund. You cannot “transfer” your booth to someone else, all communication must still come from you and will go to you. Fees will not be refunded except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of Tradeshow Sisters
  • As an exhibitor it is important to share the Tradeshow information correctly to ensure that customers attend the correct show to shop at your booth. Use the Tradeshow Facebook event link and tag @tradeshowsisters on Instagram to help spread the word.
  • It is expected that exhibitors promote Tradeshow Sisters events in a positive and professional manner. If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns you can express them directly to the Tradeshow Sisters. Verbal abuse, attitude and sass will not be tolerated.
  • Throughout the day you can find the tradeshow coordinators, Kirby at the Prairie Soul booth or Jenn at the Match Candle booth, or you may go to the front entrance desk and ask the admission desk attendee to locate us.
  • All exhibitors and helpers will be asked to follow any current Government of Saskatchewan and/or City of Swift  guidelines at the time of the show.